posted: 2008-07-07 23:04:35 perma-link, RSS comments feed
I wonder how much of a correlation there is between the health of the economy and broadband penetration.
Does anyone downgrade from broadband to dialup? What if I had to choose?
I'd probably give up magazines and video rentals. That'd save gas on trips to the bookstore and expenditures on media, but it would also increase the value of my existing broadband making it even harder to give up later. I'd hire a sitter less often. I'd cancel my VOIP phone service. I'd eat out less often.
If it got so bad as to come down between my motorcycle and broadband, I think that the motorcycle would win, but for purely emotional reasons.
Broadband has gotten so integral to life that I find giving it up almost unimaginable. But at the same time, if we were in a true recession, wouldn't it be viewed as a luxury given the existence of low-cost and free alternatives?
What would or wouldn't you give up before broadband?
Samina commented, on August 23, 2012 at 1 a.m.:
I'm a Wimax subscriber for more than a year now. The first time I enceunterod Internet issue was last July 22. The issue is still unresoved until now August 15. Their CSRs don't know squat about internet service. One even stole my MAC and Device ID for his own use. Their field techs don't even bother to check if the issue has been resolved. They kept closing the ticket as no trouble found so that Globe will recreate a job order and they do get paid per job. These field techs are subcontractors. It's also not the signal. they've checked and rechecked already. It's just slow because that's how Globe configured the connections at the base to squeeze all subscribers in a few cards. To new subscribers, DO NOT GET ANY GLOBE DSL OR WIMAX SERVICE. It's unsecure, slow, and bad customer service. Trust me, I'm still in Globe hell now.
Benjaminlsaiate commented, on September 23, 2012 at 1:54 a.m.:
I'm a Wimax subscriber for more than a year now. The first time I eeurcntnoed Internet issue was last July 22. The issue is still unresoved until now August 15. Their CSRs don't know squat about internet service. One even stole my MAC and Device ID for his own use. Their field techs don't even bother to check if the issue has been resolved. They kept closing the ticket as no trouble found so that Globe will recreate a job order and they do get paid per job. These field techs are subcontractors. It's also not the signal. they've checked and rechecked already. It's just slow because that's how Globe configured the connections at the base to squeeze all subscribers in a few cards. To new subscribers, DO NOT GET ANY GLOBE DSL OR WIMAX SERVICE. It's unsecure, slow, and bad customer service. Trust me, I'm still in Globe hell now.
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Clark commented, on July 19, 2008 at 1:30 p.m.:
Good question... I work for the cable co... all my services, Broadband, cable and phone cost me $12 a month... and my wife's company picks that up... So I give up nothing...
Unless I get laid off... then I'm boned.