validate the css validate the xhtml

Ceci n'est pas une blog
by Glenn Franxman, Django Developer / Stunt Programmer.

Google Labs

posted: 2005-09-18 18:52:32 perma-link, RSS comments feed

People get very good at games like chess and Go by studying master games. Software design and coding is similar in that we learn patterns and new ways of approaching problems.

I really enjoyed reading the paper on Google's map reduce library this morning. A great way to increase programmer productivity by abstracting away details of handling huge data tuple sets. The paper is detailed enough to make me feel like I could implement their ideas (given the Google file system infrastructure).

While good technical papers make us better at strategy (to keep up the chess and Go metaphor), reading other people's code helps develop good tactics.



Bokko commented, on August 21, 2012 at 2:27 a.m.:

This is an interesting idea. I took a quick look at your code and I'll advcie you to use string.replace instead of re.sub as it is faster and you don't need a regular expression replace here.As for the walk you will have I didn't see any check whether you are not looking at a HTML file or not. Depending from the version control that your project use it may be a problem. With Mercurial or Git it will be OK but SVN creates a .svn' directory in each folder with files related to the version control.I still find the idea good and I'll try to find some time to take a deeper look and try your code.


Sourav commented, on June 29, 2013 at 10:31 p.m.:

the NTP change seems uanscesenry. omnibar already does google search, that's one of the main pulls for chrome, right? so you took away some visibility for my apps and "most visited", which i use all the time. Secondly, why aren't you using all available white space to show my apps and most visited? I get a small frame with two rows of icons...the way it was before was bigger and brighter, and a lot more useful. I could switch from apps to "most recent" by bringing my mouse to the side of the monitor, rather inaccurately, to switch. Now i have to accurately move my mouse to a tiny hyperlink...And my bookmarks were at the top, so my long list of bookmarks dropped down properly, like every other list on the internet (or my computer for that matter) work. Now it's at the bottom, where my mouse never is (since all the other buttons are at the top), and my lists expand upward. A very unnatural feeling.The only reason i could possibly see for these changes is if you are using it on a small device, where your mouse (or finger) is always pretty close to everything already...also, where is my "recently closed tabs"? without a doubt one of my most used features. including the way it was implemented. easy to use and helpful. now i just don't have it? or it's in an odd place that isn't easily accessible (and I haven't found)?At the very least you should just include several versions of the NTP, and let your users decide what they feel is most useful.Funny how these few things completely streamline my daily activities at work, because I depend so much on my browser to get things done.

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