posted: 2003-06-10 23:54:06 perma-link, RSS comments feed
Copious freetime. I had it when I was young. I don't have it now, and I miss it.
Copious freetime. I had it when I was young. I don't have it now, and I miss it.
Today marked the third whiz-bang vendor product touted to boost our searching power over large datasets. It also marks the third to use a combination of Huffman coding, key inversion and the postman sort. It's not that these things are trivial to impliment. They're not. And it's not like these vendors don't have other niceties tacked on. They do.
But for crying out loud. How much would you pay to have these tools?
Try $150,000. Or more. Try that with a 20% yearly maintenance. It's pretty tough to justify. Maybe in another three years, when we've done enough analytics the hard way and kept the right metrics to know what it would save us.
True, it might enable us to make additional money, and faster. But who's to say we wouldn't have made that money without it? Of course, for $100k, you could hire someone and give them a year to build it. I dont think that's unrealistic.
If I had the time at work, I'd try to convince them to let me do it, but there's so much else to do. I guess I'm just belly aching. I'd better add a category for 'Piss and Moan' posts.
Howard Owens said on 2003-06-11 10:00:52:
"Of course, for $100k, you could hire someone and give them a year to build it. I dont think that's unrealistic."
Of course, then you've got to maintain it.
Still, I still favor in-house solutions were viable.
George commented, on June 29, 2013 at 1:51 p.m.:
This is my all-time favorite. I have not heard it in a long time and today it bhgrout the tears. I became a Christian in 1979 and the Sweet Comfort Band concert was one of my first Christian concerts here in Southern California. This song touched me so deeply then and even deeper now, 33 year later. A message of encouragement and hope I/we all so desperately need to hear continuously.
Nicholas commented, on June 29, 2013 at 1:51 p.m.:
though i would be hard pressed to pick a fivtraoe of your songs.. this is definitely one of my fivtraoes. I love to listen to this and just let the encouragement pick me up and help me continue.
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Kwnstantina commented, on August 21, 2012 at 5:28 a.m.:
Kcannone, can you elaborate on isesus with ball socket joints ie knees and hips which are designed to work with gravity and not be pulled on? My chiropractor mentioned this and he let me borrow his table that you can hang by your hip area instead of full length. I would love to try a full size table like the one in this video but I'm concerned about long term effects of my knees and hips which I don't have any trouble with. I'm only 32 so I want to help my back, but not introduce other problems