validate the css validate the xhtml

Ceci n'est pas une blog
by Glenn Franxman, Django Developer / Stunt Programmer.

Glennbot Lives!

4 years ago ( can you believe it? ) I was in Cincinnati and one of the internet technologies that was just gaining traction at work was instant messaging. Specifically AOL's AIM was becoming the standard messaging tool, and if you know me, you know I can't use any tool that I cannot take apart and put back together.

posted: 2003-06-13 07:58:01 2248 comments Read More


I'm dubious yet excited about web services which isn't suprising given my moodiness of the last year. Let's talk about what's exciting about them.

This is a rant in progress, but I wanted to allow feedback while I was tweaking it.

posted: 2003-06-11 05:32:37 14 comments Read More

Key Inversion, it's not just for breakfast anymore

Copious freetime. I had it when I was young. I don't have it now, and I miss it.

Today marked the third whiz-bang vendor product touted to boost our searching power over large datasets. It also marks the third to use a combination of Huffman coding, key inversion and the postman sort. It's not that these things are trivial to impliment. They're not. And it's not like these vendors don't have other niceties tacked on. They do.

posted: 2003-06-10 23:54:06 38 comments Read More

Erwin gets it right

This post is from the bulliten boards this morning.


posted: 2003-06-07 09:44:47 143 comments Read More


PAD stands for Pipe Aquisition Disorder. Its a strange side effect of pipe smoking. You see, cigarette smokers smoke for the buzz and the nicotine. Cigar smokers smoke for the taste and the buzz and the nicotine. Pipe smokers smoke for the pipe and the taste and the buzz and the nicotine.

posted: 2003-06-07 09:22:43 341 comments Read More

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