posted: 2009-10-03 13:09:00 perma-link, RSS comments feed
Zoe Rose Franxman was born three weeks ago on September 14. She was 10 lbs, 4 oz. and 21 inches long!
Aphiwe commented, on August 23, 2012 at 12:02 a.m.:
okay, so I know almost evytrehing there is to know about losing weight effectively. I love to give advice to people on how to lose weight. Am I in good shape? Hellz no! I am 50 lbs overweight and 21 years old in college. I know all this stuff about losing weight, yet I cannot apply to myself. Why am I not strong enough to do this? I can barely resist eating. I love food so much. Taco bell, pizza, quesadillas, hot pockets, cola, the list goes on. I am addicted to food, I eat when I'm not hungry because I crave the taste of it. I have asked for the strength to resist these temptations but to no avail. It seems hopeless that I will ever be average weight. I dont' need weight loss advice per se I need ways to become strong enough to resist my strongest temptations any suggestions?I should mention that I do get up off my butt and try to stay active, I'm not that lazy, it's just that the amount of calories I am able to consumer is far more I can burn off at my activity level, in the shape I am in, I can't do extremely heavy workouts, in fact running hurts my legs, any kind of weight training will deal a lot of pain, right now, I basically try to walk a lot, because it's basicall what I can do right now without noticing bad side effects.
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Patrick Beeson commented, on October 5, 2009 at 10:09 a.m.:
Great photo!